Opening Concert X 2
Welcome to this year’s festival!
Tuesday, June 24
First: 18:00–19:15
Second: 20:30–21:45
Risør Church
The wait is over
Finally, we meet again in Risør Church! Sit together with old friends, or greet this magical space for the first time. No matter your history with us: Welcome, to this year’s opening concert. As usual, the concert will be played twice, so that as many people as possible can attend the opening.
You will get to know this year’s Festival Artist, Pekka Kuusisto, and there will be a few words about this year’s theme: Freedom?, before you can close your eyes and enjoy the music. Or perhaps you will want to keep them open, so you can see the virtuosos play. And for this year we have raised the stage so even more people can see the artists.
Fauré, Neset, and Schumann: That’s this year’s festival in a nutshell. The classics and the new, hand in hand. And rumors say that Pekka will showcase his virtuosity when he is presented.
Bring your family and friends, and spread the word. The Risør Chamber Music Festival no. 35 is finally underway. Welcome!
Tuesday, June 24
First: 18:00–19:15
Second: 20:30–21:45
Risør Church
Gabriel Fauré – Sonate for cello and piano
Marius Neset – Prague’s Ballet
Robert Schumann – Pianokvintett in Eb-major, opus 44
Tine Thing Helseth – Trumpet
Pekka Kuusisto – Violin
Benjamin Grosvenor – Piano
Sheku Kanneh-Mason – Cello
Marius Neset – Saxophon
Mishka Rushdie Momen – Piano
Gunnar Flagstad – Piano
Sara Övinge – Violin
Ludvig Gudim – Violin