What now, Europe?
The history of the continent is being written now
Saturday 28. june
Kl. 16.00–17.15
Risør Church
The art of building unity.
This continent that is a patchwork of people, cultures, and ideas. This continent that at its worst has done things we must never forget, and at its best has created an understanding of what unity should and can be. What now, Europe? What now…?
The concert starts with a world premiere by the Ukrainian composer Bohdana Frolyak. The piece is based on a poem by Victoria Amelina, a Ukrainian writer who was killed during the war, at the age of only 37. Now, for the first time, it will be performed in possibly one of the most peaceful cities in Europe.
After all, the poem is filled with hope, and it therefore feels right to also perform Beethoven. The great “composer of freedom.”
But perhaps equally important is the work by Caroline Shaw. A piece based on European architecture, structure, and planning. A tribute to what can be created. Because the free Europe we know today did not come about by itself, it was built slowly but surely. Stone by stone.
Saturday 28. june
Kl. 16.00–17.15
Risør Church
Bohdana Frolyak – …знов співатимуть життя… (Will sing life again)
Caroline Shaw – Plan & Elevation
Ludvig van Beethoven – Piano Trio in D major, no. 5, opus 70
Pekka Kuusisto – Violin
Benjamin Grosvenor – Piano
Gryphon Trio – Piano, violin, cello
Sara Övinge – Violin
Lilli Maijala – Viola
Bjørg Lewis – Cello