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Inside the World of Marc-André Hamelin

Friday, June 28 2024 1 pm

Renowned pianist Hamelin, celebrated for his exceptional musicality, continues to captivate audiences and critics alike. Following a mesmerizing performance in 2015, acclaimed music critic Zachary Woolfe of The New York Times lauded Hamelin’s playing, noting its “supernatural clarity and control,” qualities seamlessly intertwined with sensitivity and poetry.

Hamelin, known for his daring repertoire choices, is set to grace a special occasion with some of his cherished works. Audiences are invited to an intimate concert where the pianist’s unparalleled talent and profound musical insight promise an unforgettable experience. Anticipation is building as Hamelin gets ready to dazzle Risør once more with his mastery and artistic brilliance.

VENUE: Salvation Army Community Church

Strandgata 5, 4950 Risør